Global ONE Defense Solutions
Our MISSION: To share our Life Defense training strategies with people worldwide on how to effectively assess, manage and mitigate existing and emerging life threatening situations. Global One Defense wants to be the spark in darkness. We will show you how to overcome adversity in the darkest moments with our unique Life Defense skills. You will be the lion, not the prey.
OUR VISION: To provide worldwide Life Defense training programs for citizens, Public Safety and business owners the opportunity to build self-confidence and self-protection strategies to defend and protect themselves, their families and business interests. To bring Life Defense and safety to those who need it most. To bring to light the realization the threat is real and we will equip you with the tools you and your business needs to mitigate the threat.

Global One Defense Worldwide Training Information
The world map is a depiction of Global One Defense worldwide interest, experience and international training outreach since its founding in 2008.
All national and international training include the following categories: Police, Fire, and Public Safety; Public & Private Schools; Casinos; Private Corporations; Government and Private Security; Community Service; Places of Worship; EMS/Medical; Terrorism Awareness; Firearms.
Each category has a variety of courses and basic, intermediate and advance levels. Some include Tactical Management for SWAT Commanders; Major Event Security; Critical Incident Management; Courses designed to help Police Chiefs & Command Staff, United States National Football League, Major League baseball and Major League Baseball Farm Team Security Executives; And University Athletic Directors.
Our Tactical, Firearms and Instructor Lead courses include: Active Shooter Survival; Adverse (injury) Situation Survival; Places of Worship Survival; Home Invasion Survival; Carjacking Survival; Ground Control and Handcuffing for Law Enforcement; Tactical EMS Life Defense Dealing with Combative Patients; Police & Fire Fighter ETHICS, Warrior Woman Life Defense, Close Quarter Tactics: Hand-to-Hand Tactics/Edged Weapon Defenses/Gun Disarms/ Multiple Attacker Situations all with transitions to Duty Weapon; Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Rifle (AR-15), Pistol and Revolver courses; Rifle/Handgun/Knife and Stick Disarm Defenses; Hostage Situation, Zero Space Defenses; Terrorism Awareness and much more.
Global One Defense has the best in class instructors who are considered Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with current certifications, unmatched professional expertise and career backgrounds with real-world experience for the courses they instruct. All have extensive law enforcement investigative knowledge, are certified master defensive tactics, firearms instructors, range masters, decades of martial art experience, and are certified instructors by state and federal governments.
Instruction Methodology:
Our courses include instructor led power point presentations, current course specific videos some of which are very graphic for professional adult audiences only. Handouts of course specific information, small and large group exercises & presentations, field exercises, and pre/post-tests, course evaluations, and an After-Action Report that is sent only to the customer.
Our Global One Defense Courses can be effectively delivered worldwide and require a minimum participant class of 24 per training delivery. To schedule a training please email in the United States anytime to discuss the course, cost, parameters for the course delivery and your requirements as a course sponsor in your state or country. Thank you and stay safe!
Gilbert C. Baca, Jr., CEO
Global One Defense, LLC
United States of America
Phone: 1-505-385-7089